What happens when you run out of ice and your guests are asking for more alcohol? You aim for whatever you got refridgerated. In this case, there was a bottle of sweetened cranberry juice in the fridge.

These are rough estimates of what probably happened.

In mixing glass, no ice:

  1. 1-2 part gin
  2. 1 part freshly squeeze grapefruit
  3. 2-3 part sweetened cranberry juice (cold)
  4. Stir well

Pour above into cocktail glass:

  1. Add ½ - 1 oz tonic water
  2. Stir briefly
  3. Add lemon twist
  4. Serve with apology

While I was building this, I had an idea for a mango-mint drink. Something on the order of a mango mojito, the mojango. Experiment to come.